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Bunscoil Chríost Rí, Turner's Cross, Cork

News - Fourth Class

2023/2024 School Year

30th May 2024
The boys and girls in Fourth Class had a fantastic trip to West Cork Secret where...
25th May 2024
The whole school enjoyed a fantastic sports day on Thursday. Both fourth classes...
13th May 2024
We are very proud of our Bunscoil Chríost Rí Climbing Team, who took...
13th May 2024
Big thanks to our past pupil Spike O Sullivan for his expertise with 3rd & 4th...
22nd Feb 2024
We had a great day experiencing different subjects in Coláiste Éamonn...
6th Feb 2024
Emily, Gifty, Ephraim and Ryan did a fantastic job representing the school at this...
17th Nov 2023
As part of Science Week, we explored how different liquids reacted with the colouring...
12th Nov 2023
We had some great fun playing hula hoops games in P.E this week! They all needed...

2022/2023 School Year

15th Feb 2023
4th class spent time learning about and examining some artifacts with archaeologist...